Golden Gate Dirty Thirty is coming up on Saturday. I'm treating the rest of the week as a normal week with the exception of cutting the Thursday run down to 5 miles.
We headed back Monday and I got a long run in on the Ken Caryl and Willow Springs trail systems. This is where I do the most of my runs and I've really fallen in love with the trails. The system is twice as big as I thought it was. Here are some pics from the hills around my house.
Heading up Massey Draw
Some 3 pt climbing. 700 ft in 1 mile.
View back down Massey Draw
View from Gothic Point
Shaffer Trail from Gothic Point
Old burn area on Shaffer Trail
Newly rerouted section of Shaffer Trail
Shaffer Trail down to Lost Canyon intersect
Aspen grove Shaffer Trail after LC intersect
Shaffer Trail
Manor House Trail
Coming down Beacon Hill Trail
View back West on Bradford Trail
Wildflowers everywhere. Here is nice section on Bradford.
view back to Gothic Point from high point on Bradford Trail.
Dark Canyon
looking up at Baldy Summit from Dark Canyon Trail
Wild Turkey Trail
Fence Post Trail back up towards Baldy
Mountain Lion Killing Stone. I carried this for about 3 miles in a high activity area.
Coyote Cutoff
Wild Turkey with 3 chicks on Millennium. Mom was acting wounded to draw attention away from her chicks. She came out on the trail and motioned toward me before retreating back into the woods.
Shaffer Trail East side
Shaffer Trail with Denver in distance
Shaffer back down into the valley
View from Manor House of Lost Canyon and Manor House trails
Great pictures and some damn good trails. Thanks for the props, love the 10,000 BC war tool, here kitty kitty...keep up the good work.